Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Get this multiple myeloma book: Goodbye Keanu: at

1 comment:

  1. Rare and aggressive. Those are the words associated with my disease-plasma cell leukemia. It is a form of multiple myeloma.Multiple myeloma is the second most common haematological malignancy in the USA with 22,350 new cases expected in 2013 which will result in almost 11,000 deaths. While I wait to die I have gone bald, got constipated, lost my sex drive and hid from my friends. I blamed bad luck, bad teeth and bad timing. I had to beg an abusive sibling to be my stem cell buddy and I had to face life without my kids. But I never had to worry about money because I got sick in New Zealand and I never had to worry about hugs because I got those from Keanu.
